Friday, April 6, 2012

LBA SD-1S Static Drain Protects Your AM Tower! Hear No RF Evil - See No RF Evil

LBA SD-1S Static Drain Protects Your AM Tower! Hear No RF Evil - See No RF Evil

Link to Hear No RF Evil - See No RF Evil

LBA SD-1S Static Drain Protects Your AM Tower!

Posted: 06 Apr 2012 01:05 PM PDT

Lightning season is upon us! Every year, AM towers get blasted because they do not have the right protection against static buildup and lightning. Conventional static drain chokes are in ATU's, and are often non-functional, if even installed. This permits high static voltages to build up on towers, endangering components, and encouraging lightning hits.

SD-1S by LBA Technology

SD-1S by LBA Technology

The LBA SD-1S is a completely weather tight static drain system to mount right next to your AM tower – where it's needed to keep charges out of your ATU! Very high impedance, and rated to 10 KV peak RF, the SD-1S will not significantly affect the base impedance of most AM towers. Ruggedly built, with high voltage ceramic feed through insulator, the SD-1S is ready for years of service.

You may have, or be considering, streamer retarding lightning protection for your tower. It is important to have a direct path to ground for these systems to function. The SD-1S is ideal to ensure the integrity of these systems.

tower dissipator array

Tower lightning protection from LBA

If you don't have streamer retarding, or dissipation array, protection for your tower, LBA can supply the custom system you need. Just give us details of your tower, and Javier Castillo will get you an immediate quote. Contact him at or 252-757-0279.



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