Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New FCC Rulemaking Promotes 700 MHz Band Operations Hear No RF Evil - See No RF Evil

New FCC Rulemaking Promotes 700 MHz Band Operations Hear No RF Evil - See No RF Evil

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New FCC Rulemaking Promotes 700 MHz Band Operations

Posted: 27 Mar 2012 07:33 AM PDT

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) today acted (WT Docket No. 12-69) to examine the wireless system interference concerns should the Lower 700 MHz band utilize a single band class for devices operating across the Lower 700 MHz A, B, and C Blocks.

In its NPRM, the FCC seeks comment on technical and operational factors as they may impact customers of Lower 700 MHz B and C Block licensees.  The FCC has focused on two interference concerns that may result from use of a single band class: (1) reverse intermodulation interference from adjacent DTV Channel 51 operations; and (2) blocking interference from next door high-powered operations in the Lower 700 MHz E Block.  The FCC requests commenters  to submit measurements and quantitative analyses defining the magnitude and extent of adjacent Channel 51 and Lower 700 MHz E Block interference risks, the availability of effective measures to mitigate interference, relative performance of single band class devises, and costs to the wireless industry in implementing interoperability.

The FCC also wishes to explore possible next steps to take to promote interoperability in the Lower 700 MHz band should it find harmful interference is minimal, or can be readily mitigated.  The FCC NPRM sets out various options to help achieve the ultimate goal of interoperability.

LBA has 50 years of experience in RF interference management. For assistance, contact Mike Britner at 252-757-0279 or mike.britner@lbagroup.com.

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