Friday, March 9, 2012

The 3G Main Concept – Technical Analysis and Evaluation Procedure

The 3G Main Concept – Technical Analysis and Evaluation Procedure
I.        The required access technology in compliance with the existing regulation and market trend in the Philippines must be the initial consideration for a 3G network nationwide rollout plan.
a.       WCDMA is the major wireless access technology currently deployed by major players in the mobile telecommunication business.
b.      Since Philippines follow the European standard on mobile communication, it is only accurate to follow the same as new entrant in the industry. UMTS is the major standard for 3G deployed here.
c.       3G UMTS Handsets are already flooded the market with different innovations and new functionalities that affect the lifestyle of every Filipinos.
II.      The issuance of Spectrum from the Regulatory Agency
a.       The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) is the government regulatory agency empowered to facilitate the issuance of 3G license in the Philippines.
b.      Currently we have three (3) 3G licensee in the Philippines; the 4th 3G license was surrendered to NTC for merit to allow the merger of two (2) mobile telecom operator.
c.       Currently we have two (2) available 3G license with a BW of 10MHz each.
d.      The NTC provides additional procedure to smoothly facilitate the issuance of the 3G license to any competent applicant.
III.    The mobile telecommunications market in the Philippines still has room for new players.
a.       The penetration rate of mobile users in the Philippines is high compared to fixed lines.
b.      The merger of the two giant mobile telecommunications operator concludes a dominant position in the market.
c.       With the current population of the Philippines compared to the number of existing subscribers of mobile telecommunications services shows as evidence that new players have chance to get a chunk of the market.
d.      Marketing of innovative services and low cost bundling will be the main attraction for prospect subscribers.

The 3G Technical Concept – UMTS Network – Release 7
I.        Technical Parameters of Release 7
a.       Easier to deploy and LTE Readiness setup.
b.      IMS Platform – a future proof Core Network Setup.
c.       Base station is strategically located due to upgrade of RF Modules which is in conformity with IMT 2000 vision of single RAN capability.

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