Wednesday, November 28, 2012

LBA University® Delivers OSHA RF Safety Training To Busy Tower Workers in the Northeast Hear No RF Evil - See No RF Evil

LBA University® Delivers OSHA RF Safety Training To Busy Tower Workers in the Northeast Hear No RF Evil - See No RF Evil

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LBA University® Delivers OSHA RF Safety Training To Busy Tower Workers in the Northeast

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 09:42 AM PST

As workers for Northeast Towers were busy continuing restoration efforts across a region of the country impacted by Super Storm Sandy, they stopped for just a brief time in November for important RF Safety Training from LBA University®.  "RF safety training for our workers is critical for their safety and for the safety of those around the sites where we work," said Northeast Towers Vice President, Joe Savino. The impact of pulling workers off the job for federally mandated safety training is minimized by providing OSHA compliant courses when, where and how they best fit the operational schedules and general demands of busy companies across the United States.

Typical Northeast Towers Projects

Typical Northeast Towers Projects

Wireless veteran and LBA Chief Technical Officer Dr. Chris Horne, PE traveled to Farmington, Connecticut to present an RF Safety Awareness training course to 27 employees of Northeast Towers. Worker "down time" was limited with Dr. Horne conducting the training right in Northeast Towers' shop.

Northeast Tower students taking the End of Course Exam for Certification

Northeast Tower students taking the End of Course Exam for Certification

The half-day on-site class offered the workers an opportunity to discuss common experiences and projects and their relation to RF safety. Dr. Horne utilized verbal and written methods making the material easy to understand. Challenging concepts were simplified even more by using some of the everyday experiences offered by the students. "Some of the guys told me that they appreciated the opportunity to contribute their experiences to the discussion," said Savino. Each student was required to pass a quiz at the end of the course to obtain certification.

Topics covered in the tower worker RF Safety Awareness Training included ionizing versus non-ionizing radiation, biological effects of RF energy, OSHA, FCC guidelines and industry standards, maximum permissible exposure in controlled and uncontrolled environments, methods of demonstrating compliance, personal protective equipment (PPE) as well as AM detuning safety. LBA University® has created several levels of OSHA RF Awareness training courses, all of which provide a high quality learning experience.

All 27 students successfully completed the course and are now able to head back out in the field to continue important work across parts of the northeast with knowledge they need to stay safe. Each worker received a personal Certificate of Completion valid for one year.

LBA CTO Chris Horne led the 27 students in RF Safety Awareness Training at Northeast Towers, Inc.

LBA CTO Chris Horne led the 27 students in RF Safety Awareness Training at Northeast Towers, Inc.

LBA University® brings decades of experience to the training table for RF safety training. The course content is supported by LBA's 50 years of experience in the telecommunications and safety industry coupled with the skills of the LBA University® training staff.  Bryan Dixon is the director of the LBA University® training operations. He is an OSHA-certified safety instructor with two decades of industrial, construction and fire safety training experience.

Over the years many companies have come to rely on the expertise LBA brings to the training table.  LBA is the exclusive provider of RF safety training to ComTrain. In November, the global safety resource company invited LBA executive Mike Britner to present RF Safety Awareness training for another in a series of training courses that are part of its Tower Construction and Technology offering.

"We appreciated the professionalism and expertise shared by LBA," said ComTrain executive Clifford M. Wilcox. Some of the topics Mr. Britner covered included the biological effects of RF energy, FCC and OSHA maximum permissible exposure and the use of personal RF monitors.

LBA VP Mike Britner leading a class of ComTrain attendees

LBA VP Mike Britner leading a class of ComTrain attendees

RF Safety Awareness training is critical to the tower industry to educate personnel with a solid foundation in the principles of RF safety as well as the practical information about safe work practices around all type of antennas including AM towers, FM and TV, DAS and cellular/PCS radiators.  LBA would be happy to present RF safety training on your company site. Just contact Bryan Dixon at 252-757-0279 or to plan and schedule your training.

LBA University® also offers an entry-level on-line RF Safety Awareness training course. Hundreds of wireless workers have received certificates of completion in this convenient, economical course. To enroll on-line, or for more information about on-line RF Safety Awareness training, visit

LBA offers a wide variety of OSHA related courses, including an online Outdoor Hazard Safety Awareness course. Ten and 30 hour OSHA courses are also offered at LBA's campus in Greenville, NC. These courses incorporate topics to address important cold weather OSHA compliance. To enroll on-line, or for more information about on-line  OSHA Outdoor Hazard Safety training, visit .


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